The Beginning?
Where does one begin . . .
When I tell you that only about a week has transpired since I began this transformation, you will, most likely, dismiss it as a dopamine-fueled lust romp that will fade.
My entire purpose of writing this blog is to prove to you that is not the case and how I've found my true place due to some amazing people.
First, a small amount about me. I am a trans ( I think, still figuring everything out) pansexual fully bodied, non-modified girl. The psychology from my childhood to now has been scrutinized extensively and I can go in it if anyone has any interest in it. I mostly just wanted to make this blog because I found something the other day that read. I can't find it and don't remember it exactly but in essence it read that you should always put your view out there because society changes very very very slowly but each viewpoint towards peace and enlightenment plants more seeds for the coming world.
I'm still collecting my thoughts. Rebecca was born today . . . well, she was realized today. She was born with me, locked in a quiet closet that opened only briefly when the boy was alone and could be naughty.
The boy is me. *giggles* Well, that's not true; the boy is who I was. So when I refer to "the boy" that's who I mean. In fact, let's make it simple so no one thinks I'm switching kinks here. Jamie is the boy. That's my name that I've used for roughly 20 years in kink rooms. So, Jamie = the old me. Rebecca = the true me. Hope that makes sense. I will refer to him in the third person though as now I keep HIM in the closet and only let him out to make guest appearances for needed "man" work. I've no doubt, those times will get quickly less and less.
At this point, I need to point out my two Superiors.
My goddess; Jasmine - My real life muse and rock. She who stands next to me and is there for anything I could ever want or need. Without her, I wouldn't have the strength to be who I am.
My mommy; Natalie - She's not my real Mommy but my virtual adopted Mommy. We don't play into the incest thing really. I just am much more comforted using that word for Superiors. Obviously if any of the Superiors wanted me to use something different, I would do so.
My goddess is perfect and amazing but so tender hearted and loving that it was difficult for her to deny Jamie anything he wanted. Although that's very sexy and many will call me an idiot for not taking advantage of it; I love her. With heart and soul. everything I am. That changes perspectives, especially when you have a gnawing voice in your head from Rebecca.
Enter Natalie. Natalie is so sweet and loving and supportive. I cannot believe I've found such love and belonging in Real and Virtual lives.
However . . . *giggles* Mommy knows that she has to push me out of my comfort zone. With tasks, and directions, and trying to guess what she will want next.
For a cute little sissy puppy, that training became life altering VERY quickly.
I needed to get words on a page. I will update soon with much more detail.
Love you all! Stay sexy and sweet!
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